Saturday, November 03, 2007

Anniversary / Kevin Update / Contest

Today is our 6 year anniversary (Kevin and me). I can't believe it has been that long. Boy does time fly.

Happy Anniversary dear. I love you more today than yesterday.

Speaking of Kevin, I am sure some of you are wondering if we have heard anything. Yes, we have the results back. They turned out as the Dr. had thought. He has Eosinophilic Esophagitis. They explained it as an allergic reaction. We have been told that it is easily treated with medication and he should be fine. They found no other abnormalities, so that was really good. He has his follow-up appointment on the 9th so we will find out more from there and see what medications he will be on. I hope that the medications will take care of it and we won't ever have it happen again.

Contest, Contest, Contest....

Cass of Shut Up, I'm Counting is having a contest for her 333rd post. Pop on over and enter for your chance to win. Mention you saw it here and I will get that extra entry.


Thanks to all how have voted so far. It is going to help me in what yardages that I use for what yarns. If you haven't voted yet please do. There are 7 of them located just below this post.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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