Thursday, May 25, 2006

2 More Chemo Caps

There is a lady at our church who is going through chemo now. I grew up with her 2 sons and we were all like an extended family.

I really hate to see her have to go through this. It is horrible to watch someone go through the pain and sheer exhaustment of it all. So I found out that her favorite color is blue. Of course I had to get some yarn and make her a few hats. I know that it isn't much, but I hope that when she wears them she will know that someone is thinking of her.

She will be going into the hospital for 4 weeks soon so please keep her in your prayers. I don't know the details of it, but I have been told that it is for a bone marrow transplant.

I really wish that I didn't have to make the caps. That would mean that there is a cure for cancer, but until then I will make them for who ever I know that might need them.

They are a quick knit and the yarns that I use are so very soft. So I do enjoy knitting them, but really wish it didn't mean that some one was sick.

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