Thursday, January 19, 2006

Found: 3 Balls

Yep, my LYS has found 3 balls of the Frisky yarn that I need to finish my Niece's shrug!!! Whoooo Hoooooooo!!!! I am so glad that I don't have to start over.

My thanks go to Christina for sending out the emails and seeing if some other store might just happen to have it.

So once I get the call that it is in I am sure that I will have to make a trip over to pick it up. I really want to get it finished so that my Niece can wear it. Guess I need to find a blocking board soon since I don't own one yet and I really can't just let it lay on the floor to dry with 2 Labrador, a cat, 1 year old baby and a husband running through the house all day. It is much better to have it pinned to a board in a safe location. At least that way I can put it on top of a shelf or something out of the way.

On the up side I am making good progress on James' cargo pants. Just a few more inches before I am finished with the pants/construction then I go onto making the pockets and all the finish work that goes along with it. Maybe some day soon I will get a picture of James wearing them. I really like them and I just might have to get some more yarn to make more of them. They are turning out really cute. :)

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