Thursday, January 12, 2006

Needing to Get a Little Frisky!

Did I get your attention with that title? I hope so. As I feared I have ran out of the Reynolds Frisky that I was making my Niece's shrug out of. I am working on the sleeves and have gotten about 3 inches out of 17 1/2 inches of the 2 sleeves done.

Would anyone out there in blog land have any or know where I can get any?? It is the pink Color 02 Lot 30. I have emailed a few on line companies, but so far no luck. I might be scraping and starting over with an entire new lot of yarn. I really don't want to have to do that. It would be such a waste of my time and it was supposed to be a Christmas gift for her so I don't want her to have to wait any longer than she has to.

This thing seems like it has been doomed from the get go. *Sigh*

Thanks for any and all help.

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